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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Top 7 Failed Twitter Spinoffs

Twitter, as they say, has taken over the Social Media world by storm. With more and more followers being added each day it is by far the fastest growing Social Media app in history.

But as they also say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I recently discovered some Twitter wanna be's that are well... not so flattering.
Here now are the...

Top 7 Failed Twitter Spinoffs

1. Critter. An online mini blog site reserved exclusively for varmints and other beastly type creatures. Alas the whole movable thumb thing was its downfall.

2. PipeFitter. Was to bring together all the boys from the Pipe Fitters Local 212, The Flying Falcons. Unfortunately it ran out of steam.

3. Knitter. The whole demographic thing doomed this baby from the start. It was open only to women with blue hair over the age of 85.

4. Zitter. Had high hopes for this one. An online epidermis blemish society, if you will. It was brilliant. Problem was users hands were always too greasy to use their mouse from all the Clearisil.

5. Snitter. Here people who are irritated 24 hours a day could go and have their little snits in a public forum. Problem was the server crashed with all the Republicans on it at the same time.

6. Spitter. Expectoraters of the world unite! Would have made it too if the users had splashguards installed on their monitors. Damn saliva.

7. Jitter. For those among us, like yours truly, who enjoys a good cup or 40... of Joe every day. Regrettably the corresponding uncontrollable bout of shakes one gets from imbibing Juan Valdez’s finest does not bode well for using a keyboard.

Til next time.



Don Lafferty said...

I had a different vision of Jitter, but maybe that shows my age. Good stuff, babe.

Lilly said...

Now that was a great post. Mmm I just signed up for Twitter and dont really get it. I think I should have joined Jitter.

The Fantasy Football Hub said...

Don: Yes the word jitter does conjure up many possibilities!

Lilly: Thank you for the kind words. And I too would join Jitter if i could!!!

Smit said...

Funny.....like Lilly...Twitter I just don't get but that's me :)