About the Steve O Zone

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The "Ladder" of Success...

George Orwell once referred to advertising as "the rattling of a stick inside a swill pail." Not quite sure what that means but I don't think it's very good. And I'm not quite sure how to segue from that into my subject matter but... I'll give it a shot.

Over the next few weeks, you'll hear the rattling of a ladder inside a packed stadium.

I'm referring to, of course, the NCAA Men's Basketball regional finals, Final Four and ultimate champion being crowned. Groups of young men and their coaches will climb the ladder of success and cut down the nets in a time-honored tradition.

So what does this have to do with advertising?

A lot.

Think about this... If you're a ladder manufacturer, how many chances do you have to get your product involved from an advertising standpoint with something other than construction, firefighting, painting, etc...

And certainly never with something so "cool" as the world of sports, right?


Introducing the "Official Ladder of NCAA Basketball" -- Werner Ladder.

In what I consider a brilliant advertising move, the folks at Werner Ladder signed a deal with the NCAA to ensure that when the whole world watches these kids cut down the nets, they are doing so standing on a Werner Ladder.

Sheer brilliance.

Here's the moral of the story...

Never, ever stop looking for advertising/marketing opportunities for your product or service. You never know where the next great ad campaign will come from.

Ladders & Basketball. Yeah right, that'll never work...

Til next time.


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