About the Steve O Zone

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The O Zone...

NFL Rankings After Two Weeks...

The "experts" over at ESPN.com have posted their current NFL rankings. There are twelve (12) differing opinions on where each of the 32 teams rank and there are of course some surprises, head-scratchers with a few WTFs mixed in.

Most notably, the Eagles are ranked anywhere from 2nd to 11th. Quite the disparity I'd say. Denver ranked 14th?! Yeah, according to two "experts." And how every "ranker" does not have the Rams at the absolute bottom of the dung heap is anyone's guess.

But hey, that's why we live in America. We are free to voice our opinions, no matter how ridiculous and dim-witted they may be.

With a few choice comments thrown in...
  1. Cowboys - Sorry Eagles fans but after winning on MNF and perusing the rest of the league, the Boys are #1, right now anyway.
  2. Steelers - Obliterated the up and coming Texans then went into the Dog Pound and came away with the W.
  3. Giants - They are the defending champs, after all.
  4. Broncos - Yes they are extremely fortunate to be 2-0 but 2-0 they are and don't look now but Jay Cutler is turning into one of the best young QBs in the game.
  5. Eagles - Are they this good or is the rest of the league not very good? We will surely find out.
  6. Patriots - Here's a story... of a man named Cassel. Doesn't have the same ring to it.
  7. Packers - So far so good in Mr. Rodgers neighborhood with 2 divisional wins.
  8. Colts - Peyton's just getting warm up, kids. But the injury to Sanders is cause for concern.
  9. Titans - tough call here between the Titans and Bills; slight edge to the Titans because of Jeff Fisher.
  10. Bills - 2-0 against two playoff teams of a year ago including an impressive win in Jacksonville.
  11. Panthers
  12. Chargers
  13. Bears
  14. Saints
  15. Jags
  16. Jets
  17. Cardinals
  18. Vikings
  19. Buccaneers
  20. Redskins
  21. Seahawks
  22. Ravens
  23. Browns
  24. Texans
  25. Raiders
  26. Forty-Niners
  27. Falcons
  28. Lions
  29. Bengals
  30. Dolphins
  31. Chiefs
  32. Mount Union (Division III)
  33. Rams
You Can Take the Man Out Of Philly...
Former Inquirer columnist and current ESPNer Stephen A. Smith chimed in with his thoughts on the instant MNF classic today on ESPN.com.

Truth be told, more often than not, I don't agree with his take on... well anything. But have to give the man props for sticking up for the Birds what with the rest of the free world (See Kornheiser, Tony) anointing the Boys and their dogmatic owner the bestest, most super-terrific, by-golly neato thing we have going for us in this country.

But Stephen A.'s got the Eagles and their fans' back...

Case in point:

"Lost in the hype of everyone from Tom Landry and Roger Staubach to Emmit Smith and Michael Irvin and in all the memories one last Monday night at Texas Stadium undoubtedly evoked was the fact that, beyond the realities of the final score … How 'bout them Eagles!"

Here's the entire story... read it. It'll make you feel better about a loss, at least it did for me.

Til next time.


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