About the Steve O Zone

Friday, February 20, 2009

This just in...

I have uncovered the mystery of life.

It's so simple I cannot believe no one has discovered it yet.

Wanna know what it is?

Wanna know how to get the most out of your life?

Forget about "Be Like Mike..."

No, we ALL need to "Be Like Toto..."

Not to get all philosophical, transcendental and hypothetical on you but, think about it...

Picture 4 characters, standing, quivering, shaking... scared out of their
minds (well those of them who had a mind). Each with their own wants and needs yet they share one common ailment... FEAR.

They all know what they want. They all know how to get what they want. Yet they all stand there quaking in fear, unsure of their next move.

Suddenly all their fears are washed away; all their inhibitions evaporate before their eyes; all their collective reticence dissipates in an instant.

And why?

Because their 4-legged friend revealed to them the force they all feared to be nothing more than a mere illusion.

When Dorothy, The Tin Man, The Cowardly Lion and The Scarecrow saw the man behind the curtain, their outlook changed in an instant. No longer were they prisoners to what they feared.

Again, not to get
all philosophical, transcendental and hypothetical... but don't you think we would ALL be more successful in our professional and personal lives if we all pulled back the curtain that hides what we lie in fear of?

Now... go click your heels three times, release your inner Toto and pull back that curtain!

Til next time.
